Posts Tagged ‘reports’

Test Escape Reports

We just had a big launch at work, which of course leaves me thinking about test escape reports.

I have mixed feelings on test escape reports, and for a long time I didn’t want to use them here. My reason being that if you have a small test team, and you know everyone is really dedicated and working hard, then the occasional test escape is to be excepted and we shouldn’t harp on them.

However, I think over time I’ve seen the other side of this issue. Test Escape reports ensure stakeholders that you are on top of any issues both before launch and after. They hold the team accountable, not just for the issue but also for the resolution and prevention of it in the future.


The format we use is simple:



Reason missed:

Steps taken to cover functionality:

Test cases numbers for verification:


The point being not to look backward, or to blame someone for missing a bug- but to look forward into how we can test that in the future and how we can avoid over looking similar areas on other projects. The goal is to improve visibility- we admit our mistakes, take steps to correct them and let everyone take comfort in/participate in the improved coverage.

How do you handle missed bugs? Are test escapes’ a whole team problem or an individual tester’s problem? Is there a formal process surrounding them?